What resolution did you make?
Whatever your resolution make a point of DOING IT for the next 29 days.. they (whoever they are) say after 29 days it becomes a habit. :) So keep that in mind......29 days.
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Goodbye 2009...
I don't think people realize how much most of us look forward to the new year. Not the parties, or even welcoming the new year at midnight, but the fresh start we mentally give ourselves. Some people make resolutions to change their lives, some just subconsciously do things differently, whatever the method, the new year seems to be our hard and fast jumping off point.
There are times throughout the year we all resolve to change our diet, clean our homes, read more books, send handwritten letters, finish painting that series that will make us wildly famous and rich (hey, it could happen!) ... tomorrow or on the first of the month, or as soon as I clean my workroom... you get the idea. We try to make changes in our lives, however many of us are ill equipped to take the plunge and just get it done.
The way I see it, the most important resolution that we can make is to make an effort to just get it done. Don't make plans to do things, DO THEM!
There are times throughout the year we all resolve to change our diet, clean our homes, read more books, send handwritten letters, finish painting that series that will make us wildly famous and rich (hey, it could happen!) ... tomorrow or on the first of the month, or as soon as I clean my workroom... you get the idea. We try to make changes in our lives, however many of us are ill equipped to take the plunge and just get it done.
The way I see it, the most important resolution that we can make is to make an effort to just get it done. Don't make plans to do things, DO THEM!
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Snow ~ Snow ~ Snow
Well the snow finally made it. Our yard is white and fluffy. Yeah!
Christmas was a nice quiet event. Hubs had to leave for work that night but he was back the next day. (Did I mention how much I like his new job? Wayyy more home time!)
I've been working on several things; a few new designs, some photo's, a couple of digi-paintings and some scrapbook pages. I know, I know, a lot of irons in the fire, but I'm getting myself organized and scheduled for the New Year so I can get everything completed. ;-)
I have tons of things to write about, some things that annoy me, some that I love, either way I will be "giving my opinion" on events and life beginning with the New Year. :-) I bet you can't wait, well I can't!
Stay warm, people~
Oh and here's a pic of my yard yesterday....
Christmas was a nice quiet event. Hubs had to leave for work that night but he was back the next day. (Did I mention how much I like his new job? Wayyy more home time!)
I've been working on several things; a few new designs, some photo's, a couple of digi-paintings and some scrapbook pages. I know, I know, a lot of irons in the fire, but I'm getting myself organized and scheduled for the New Year so I can get everything completed. ;-)
I have tons of things to write about, some things that annoy me, some that I love, either way I will be "giving my opinion" on events and life beginning with the New Year. :-) I bet you can't wait, well I can't!
Stay warm, people~
Oh and here's a pic of my yard yesterday....

Monday, December 28, 2009
More recent creations...
(A) Original Watercolor Christmas Design (card)
(B) Small chipboard box painted with basket-weave design
(C) Medium chipboard box painted with basket-weave design. Vine with red flowers weaved in the basket design.
(D) Simple Christmas ornament sign created with pre-made ornaments attached to wood painted with name and holly design. Wire coiled for hanger and wrapped around each side. cute!
for sale,
Sunday, December 27, 2009
A few of the things I've painted lately.
(A) Wolf painting on canvas
(B) Swan painted on chipboard box - I painted the sides with basket-weave design.
(C) Sunflower on chipboard box
(D) Kitty Cat on chipboard box
(E) Wolf painted on chipboard box
Friday, December 25, 2009
Merry Christmas
I hope you all have a wonderful day. May you spend it how you want and with whom you want!
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Like Chocolate
I can't put it off any longer, I'm putting my brush and watercolors down today to clean and scrub my house. It kills me to do it because I've been making great progress with new designs, but every time I'm in the kitchen to cook or washing up the dishes after we've eaten I catch myself thinking that I need to re-organize my pan cabinet or scrub my canisters.
Just like chocolate, even though you want to resist eating a piece , it's better, in the long run, to give in eat it and get on with your life. Otherwise you think about it and eat everything else in site, instead of just eating the one piece of chocolate. :)
Before I allow the feeling to stifle my creative vibe I'm going to get it out of the way this week so I can enjoy Christmas Day and get back to work (uninterrupted) next Monday.
So... hi-ho, hi-ho... I'm off to clean ......
Just like chocolate, even though you want to resist eating a piece , it's better, in the long run, to give in eat it and get on with your life. Otherwise you think about it and eat everything else in site, instead of just eating the one piece of chocolate. :)
Before I allow the feeling to stifle my creative vibe I'm going to get it out of the way this week so I can enjoy Christmas Day and get back to work (uninterrupted) next Monday.
So... hi-ho, hi-ho... I'm off to clean ......
Monday, December 21, 2009
Art appreciation in this economy
There is no doubt that times are tough. Money is tight and spending those hard earned dollars on non-essentials is something we must give a second thought to. We ask ourselves “do we really need that?”, “is this going to help me now or in the long-term?”
I’ve had people ask me why I work so hard on my artwork when it’s not a necessity. I can’t possibly expect to sell anything in these hard times, can I?
For a while I took to heart what they were saying, second-guessed myself and dropped the paint brush, so to speak. Not anymore. Even though times are tough and money isn't plentiful, the reason I continue to draw, paint and create, is because I think most people understand that art is a necessity in life.
For a while I took to heart what they were saying, second-guessed myself and dropped the paint brush, so to speak. Not anymore. Even though times are tough and money isn't plentiful, the reason I continue to draw, paint and create, is because I think most people understand that art is a necessity in life.
Whether you choose to purchase a painting of a beautiful landscape for your living room, or commission a portrait of your loved ones or yes, even your pet, to place on your fireplace mantel, you are giving yourself a gift of beauty, a gift of memories past and a gift of memories to come. Giving yourself or someone you love, a gift of creativity makes life more bearable during the tough times.
In my opinion art gives pleasure, beauty and memories to the soul, therefore, Art is a necessity and people are willing to pay an artist to bring these things into their lives.
In my opinion art gives pleasure, beauty and memories to the soul, therefore, Art is a necessity and people are willing to pay an artist to bring these things into their lives.
I can be that artist!
Please Vote for Me
I've added a list of my Voting Links to the right, I would really appreciate your vote whenever you drop by! :) Thank you muchly!
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Snow Update - Sunday
It snowed all day yesterday so everything is white outside, and cold!
There are several inches of snow (5-6) so Turbo doesn't like to go outside. He makes the hubs or I put on our shoes and go out on the porch before he'll go out and down the steps. He's such a little stinker. :)
Hubs made it home last night - well actually early this morning, but at least he was in one piece. We slept in, had oatmeal for breakfast and just vegged all day. The snow is still pretty, roads are fairly clear, but the weather outside is C-O-L-D!
There are several inches of snow (5-6) so Turbo doesn't like to go outside. He makes the hubs or I put on our shoes and go out on the porch before he'll go out and down the steps. He's such a little stinker. :)
Hubs made it home last night - well actually early this morning, but at least he was in one piece. We slept in, had oatmeal for breakfast and just vegged all day. The snow is still pretty, roads are fairly clear, but the weather outside is C-O-L-D!
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Snowy Saturday
Well it's 3 am and I'm getting ready to hit the sheets. Hubs is stranded in Indiana waiting to get his trailer loaded (has been waiting since 1pm Friday afternoon - ugh, would be amazing to see these companies actually get organized and get it in gear.) So it's just Turbo and myself.
I finished baking my cookies, made three varieties - sugar, oatmeal and good ol' chocolate chip. I put the initial layer of icing on the sugar cookies, later today (Saturday already, remember?) I'll add some swirls and what-not to them to jazz them up. :)
I hadn't intended to stay up this late, but time got away from me; I found the Showtime series U.S. of Tara and had to watch all of the episodes. (Hey it's a decent way to spend a Friday night, home alone.)
I'm off to bed now... hope everyone is warm and well. We're suppose to get a decent amount of snow this weekend here. More photo ops!
I finished baking my cookies, made three varieties - sugar, oatmeal and good ol' chocolate chip. I put the initial layer of icing on the sugar cookies, later today (Saturday already, remember?) I'll add some swirls and what-not to them to jazz them up. :)
I hadn't intended to stay up this late, but time got away from me; I found the Showtime series U.S. of Tara and had to watch all of the episodes. (Hey it's a decent way to spend a Friday night, home alone.)
I'm off to bed now... hope everyone is warm and well. We're suppose to get a decent amount of snow this weekend here. More photo ops!
Friday, December 18, 2009
Summer Days on the Clarion River

It can be viewed in my GALLERY (where you can purchase prints and greeting cards)
If you would like to purchase the original please contact me for the exact size and prices.
{ Swimming Hole }

This is a painting of the creek, here in Pennsylvania, that hubs and I used to take the kids to when they were here with us.
It can be viewed in my GALLERY (where you can purchase prints and greeting cards). If you would like to purchase the original please contact me for the exact size and prices.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Just off the drawing board

I was just playing around with my watercolors and decided to paint up a drawing I did while on the road with hubs. I'm working on this as a more refined watercolor, you'll probably see it on canvas soon as well. I can never make up my mind which I prefer so I usually end up doing my designs in several mediums. ;)
for sale,
rough draft,

I chose "Fly Me to the Moon" because it makes me think of the limitless possibilities life offers.. the sky's the limit. I dunno, just makes me feel good! :)
{ Stormy Ocean }

If you would like to purchase the original please contact me for the exact size and prices.
{ Roses from Joe }

These make wonderful gifts for every holiday!
Go here to order a print of my painting "Roses from Joe".
To order your own custom painting contact me!
for sale,
Mother's Day,
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
{ Pet Portraits }

Contact me when you are ready to order your Custom Pet Portrait!
To order a print of my painting of Turbo go here.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Scrapbook Pages of Turbo

Some of my scrapbook pages of Turbo. :) Isn't he just about the cutest little pup you've seen? Okay so I'm biased, but he is to us!
The elements I used are from {www.shabbyprincess.com}
{ In the Beginning }
Okay so it's not original, but this is the beginning, so it works for me!
Today in Pennsylvania it's sunny and COLD - 12 degrees cold to be exact.
The hubs went to work; he's picking up a load in Cleveland and taking it to Columbus - not sure what it is, but pretty sure he'll be back tomorrow morning. :) I love his new job, he's home wayyy more, which is sooo nice.
I'm spending today working on here and will be adding pics of my artwork, linking to my gallery and probably baking several more batches of cookies for Christmas gifts. We're doing the holidays very low key and inexpensive, hey it's a major accomplishment to do that, since we haven't done Christmas at all the last few years. Not going to go into why, lets just say life is looking better these days and leave it at that. ;)
Turbo is curled up in his blanket on the sofa, although he does jump up to look out the window every once in a while when a big truck goes by (he's pretty sure it's his dad.) LOL
That's it for now.....
Today in Pennsylvania it's sunny and COLD - 12 degrees cold to be exact.
The hubs went to work; he's picking up a load in Cleveland and taking it to Columbus - not sure what it is, but pretty sure he'll be back tomorrow morning. :) I love his new job, he's home wayyy more, which is sooo nice.
I'm spending today working on here and will be adding pics of my artwork, linking to my gallery and probably baking several more batches of cookies for Christmas gifts. We're doing the holidays very low key and inexpensive, hey it's a major accomplishment to do that, since we haven't done Christmas at all the last few years. Not going to go into why, lets just say life is looking better these days and leave it at that. ;)
Turbo is curled up in his blanket on the sofa, although he does jump up to look out the window every once in a while when a big truck goes by (he's pretty sure it's his dad.) LOL
That's it for now.....
Friday, October 2, 2009
Just off the drawing board .. "Lover's Tree"
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Just off the drawing board
Just a cute little doodle I did while enjoying a summer day on the road. Started it while we were trucking through Iowa, finished the coloring in Wyoming. It's simple, but I thought it was cute. 

juat off the drawing board,
rough draft,
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Just off the drawing board - "Golfing Snowman"
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