Saturday, April 28, 2012

Saturday Spotlight: Fun Storybooks

Saturday Spotlight with Fun Storybooks

Colorful illustrations and exciting stories await to delight and amuse within the pages of Fun Storybooks.  The hand illustrated stories make special gifts and keepsakes.  Please show Mary Anne some love in the comments below and visit your site. You just never know what new colorful creation will be waiting!

I asked Mary Anne some questions so we could get to know her better.  This is what she had to say.....

My Start:
Since I was a child, I loved to draw and create things. I remember using empty spools of thread, cardboard, glue and scrap materials to make doll furniture of which I was so proud. There is an artistic and creative gene on my father's side of the family, and I guess I inherited a piece of it:).  
About 10 years ago, my sister toyed with the idea of writing personalized storybooks for children. I was going to be the illustrator and insert the child's head in the story illustrations. Before it got off its feet, my sister abandoned the idea, but I decided to continue on with it myself.
I do this on a very part time basis since I spend time caring for my mom, grandchildren and volunteer work.
My daughter-in-laws have bought items on Etsy and one of them has her own shop, so that's how I learned about the Etsy site. 

I can also be found here:  
I also have a website where my storybooks can be viewed and ordered. The site is called
My shop includes a choice of six different personalized fantasy storybooks for boys and girls, ages 4 through 8 years.

The initial writing of the story and then illustrating and painting the pictures takes quite a bit of time and is therefore the most challenging part in creating my storybooks. Once that's all completed and stored in the computer, then it's much easier to insert the child's personalized info into the storyline and superimpose his/her photo into each story illustration.
My Work Environment: 
 It's usually quiet in the back bedroom of my home where I do my work on the computer, but it's next to a large window where I can frequently rest my eyes on nature's beauty. 
I don't put any drinks around the computer because I know I'll knock them over, so I usually takes breaks and walk back to the kitchen for some iced tea or diet soda.  I really like that this part time job is so relaxing :)

It would be great if you would take a few minutes and browse through  Fun Storybooks  and show Mary Anne some love by letting her know which of her books you like in the comments below. 

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