Monday, August 23, 2010

Work, work, work

It strikes me as funny that people think working at home is easy.  Seriously?  Have you tried working at home?  It is far from easy, as a matter of fact, it's down right exhausting ..... IF done correctly!  Yes, I added the tag, because doing it correctly makes all of the difference.

Think about it, who wouldn't want to work from home if all it required was sitting at home and getting a little work done here and there, in between Lifetime movies!  ~lol~   On the other hand going to another location to your job means you only have to deal with that job, not the housework, phone calls from friends or family.  Just the job at hand.  Working from home means that while attempting to keep your mind on your job, you also have the washer & dryer, dishes, kitchen floor or that junk closet calling to you every single minute.  True some people may not care about housework at all and can ignore it completely, however they could also be the ones surfing the internet or watching television instead of completeling their work on schedule.

This is how a typical day for me works.. remember every day is different, but I TRY to stick to this schedule by having specific days for specific activities.

Every Single Day:  6:00 - 6:30 am; Get Up, Bathroom (brush teeth, brush hair, etc...), Take Turbo Out, Put Coffee On, Make Bed, Throw a load of laundry in (if needed), Grab a bagel and Cup of Coffee sit down at my computer and start my work day.

I know you're wondering about the laundry, the washer and dryer are by the bathroom so on trips to the bathroom I transfer the laundry and fold it on top of the dryer, then I put it away throughout the day when I need a break from the computer or when Turbo decides it's time to go out! ^.^

I do have my television on during the day, but it is no louder than regular office noise, sometimes I just have music on, sometimes the news, sometimes a sitcom, it just depends on my mood.

I am very guilty of not sticking to an 8-10 hour work day.  Since my hubs is an OTR truck driver it's just Turbo and me all day every day, so I often work into the evening but for the most part I try to put the work to bed by 6 or 7 pm.  

Specific Day Schedule  (things I include in my daily schedule no matter what)
Monday- Laundry (bedding, etc...)
Tuesday- Bathe Turbo, Spif up Kitchen
Wednesday- Scrub Bathrooms
Thursday- Mop & Vacuum Floors
Friday- Hubs' laundry & Grocery Shopping
Saturday & Sunday- Depends on when the Hubs came home

My work day includes checking email, updating my blog (trying to get better at that! ~lol~), drawing, painting, designing, uploading to ImageKind, Zazzle, updating and checking my voting links, answering questions, and sometimes helping other people with design or web issues.

My schedule may not work for everyone but it seems to be working for me, at least currently.

When I was working "out of the house" it was actually easier, I  left for work at 7am, did my work and made it back home at 5pm where I would usually try to cram everything else I needed to do into the hours between 5:30 & 10pm.  For me working at home works better, most of the time.  Some days I can't stop thinking about something I need to do around the house, which is why I made the SDS (specific day schedule)  it has helped me a LOT!

One thing that is difficult is to make people, especially the neighbors, realize that I may be at home, but I AM WORKING!  ~lol~

One big goal I'm working on now is making a spare bedroom into my office and getting organized!  Hopefully before snow fly's I'll get it done~  And the countdown begins......

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