Thursday, February 18, 2010


Flats suck especially when the tire iron you have is for your truck and too big for the friends' tire you're trying to change.    Had quite the adventure last night after work...  I'm on lunch, but will write more tonight.

Okay... so I stopped in at the car wash to run my truck through... it needed it bad after driving in the snow, salt and underground all week.  I contemplated going by my friend's house on my home, but wasn't sure she was home, so just went home the regular way.   Good thing!   My friend, Sarah, from work was on the side of the road with a flat tire...  that sucks!   I stopped, she was excited to say the least...  we tried to take the tire off, but my tire iron was too big (me=Truck..she=Ford Taurus.. it just didn't fit)  so the hubs (you really think I was doing this without calling him and asking questions?  yea, right!)  so he suggests I run back to the mine to see if our other co-worker, Dustin, was still there...   I did, and he was.  He said he'd help so back I went, and he was right behind me.

So...  his tire iron fit, and we got the lug bolts off (okay he did, Sarah and I were watching and keeping him company.. .I mean come on, how many people does it take to change a flat?)

So now.. the tire won't come off...   yes he knows what he's doing, etc...  the tire was rusted to the rotor....  which!   We spent the next hour watching and giving ideas of how to kick the tire, drive it, etc...  to get it to come off..
Well this car shows up that wants to go down the road we are on, only we have her car in the way, so she has to get in and move it, which FINALLY breaks the tire loose and Dustin gets it off and the sugar coated donut (okay so no sugar, but it sounds nicer doesn't it?)  well he puts it on, she's happy, and I'm relieved.. ready to go home!  It was freakin cold!  LOL

:)  She promises cookies the next day...   yummy!

Thank you Dustin for being such a great guy and helping! :)  

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