Thursday, January 28, 2010

Notable Differences

I grew up in Northeast Oklahoma which is known as Green Country.  It's green, hilly and beautiful.  I lived in New Mexico for about ten years in the 1990's and then moved to Pennsylvania, then New Hampshire (for work) and now I'm back in Pennsylvania.

It's interesting how different these states are.  In Oklahoma we call 'soda pop' Pop, New Mexico it's Soda and in Pennsylvania some call it 'soda' and some 'pop', it just depends on who you are speaking to.

Oklahoma is in Tornado Alley, so a siren in bad weather is not a good thing.  You hear a siren you better find shelter as close to underground as you can get.  In Pennsylvania, though they do have tornado's from time to time, they have sirens that go off constantly, but for an entirely different reason. These sirens are the Fire Stations, which are mostly volunteer fire departments, so they go off all hours no matter the weather.  Let me tell you, it's not something a woman from Oklahoma wants to hear her first week in Pennsylvania!  I didn't learn why they were going off until my second week here.  New Mexico, well I was in the southwestern part of the state, in the mountains (baby Rockies, if you will), and although they did have a tornado on record, it was a rarity.

In Pennsylvania people always say things like "I'm not trying to be ignorant" or "That's ignorant". The word ignorant is used constantly. ~LOL~

In New Mexico & Pennsylvania people say that they are getting "on" or "off" their vehicles, in Oklahoma they are getting "in" or "out of" them.

Plenty more differences to come.............

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