Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Snow ~ Snow ~ Snow

Well the snow finally made it. Our yard is white and fluffy. Yeah!  

Christmas was a nice quiet event. Hubs had to leave for work that night but he was back the next day.  (Did I mention how much I like his new job?  Wayyy more home time!)

I've been working on several things; a few new designs, some photo's, a couple of digi-paintings and some scrapbook pages.  I know, I know, a lot of irons in the fire, but I'm getting myself organized and scheduled for the New Year so I can get everything completed. ;-)

I have tons of things to write about, some things that annoy me, some that I love, either way I will be "giving my opinion" on events and life beginning with the New Year. :-)  I bet  you can't wait, well I can't!

Stay warm, people~

Oh and here's a pic of my yard yesterday....

1 comment:

  1. Hey Tracey!
    Well- I for one cannot wait to hear what you have to say about the upcoming year!
    I like your Blog!

    Visit mine( one of them!!) anytime!
    Christine Martin- Savvy Business Woman!


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