Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Tracey's Book Review of The Shack by William Young

The Shack

Astonishing how insightful this book makes me feel!    So much of it is how I have always thought about God, the Son and the Holy Spirit... astounding!

The perfect lake scene... makes me think of how many of us want a perfect home... nice house, nice yard etc.. to be fulfilled in our lives.  That fulfillment (and beautiful life) will come when we accept Christ as our Savior and live the way He wants us to.  This book just brings that to light so well.  The Shacks we hide in with our pain, anguish, greed, etc are so ugly and not really somewhere we would want to dwell or invite friends and family, so why do we do it to ourselves?   I'm not  saying that just accepting Jesus will suddenly give us tons of money, material possessions and unrivaled beauty, not at all.  What I'm saying is that accepting Jesus and having a true relationship with him opens the door to such beauty in our lives, we learn to enjoy and be happy with what we have, because we're focusing on what He wants us to do in life, not what we want to do.  How can you be unhappy in life if you're doing what you were meant to do?

The other thing I took away from this book is just like we, as parents, love our children and no matter what they may do, say or act out, we love them and want the best for them. If they want to be independent and live their own lives, walk their own paths, we let them, even if we know what they are doing isn't good for them.  We continue to pray for them and be there for them.    Well, we are all God's children, are we not?  Does it not make sense that he wants the best for us, and although he knows how we should live and what we should do in life, he allows us to walk the path we choose.  He simply lets us know that He is there when we are ready to take His advice, live the way He knows we should. He never stops loving us, no matter what we do. He offers us "the Gift" of being saved through Jesus Christ, all we have to do is ask.  Is that so hard?

I recommend this book to everyone!  It'll make you laugh, cry, knit your brow and did I mention cry?  Read it with an open mind... you'll love it!

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