Friday, November 26, 2010

Fun in the Mud

Okay so Thanksgiving Day was awesome... although it wasn't so great that night. LOL  It was hilarious!!
Bro-in-laws came to get the old fridge "Beer-erator" off of our back porch. Hubs thought it would be easier to just back our Titan to the back door, load it in and drive it out to the driveway and put on the trailer bro-in-law had on behind his Hummer.  So... did anyone ask me?  Take a look at the pics from last night... 


To be fair... we just had a well dug and a fresh ditch was dug across the backyard for the water line, it's been raining and our yard is very wet... so... it wasn't that the Hubs couldn't get unstuck *USUALLY*, but that ditch did him in. LOL   Bro-in-law tried to pull him out of the ditch with his Hummer... which might have worked except, like I said, the backyard is complete mud.  He almost got too!  Luckily he didn't get near the ditch!  LOL


They regrouped this was much easier in the light of day, and they went at it from the dry side of the yard. LOL  It took a little doing, and mud and water flying but they did it. 
Here are the pics from this morning....

It doesn't look so bad, but the back tires were in a fresh ditch that was full of mud and water... they just spun in the air

Talk about flying mud!  All he needed was his brother to pull him back enough to touch the edge of the ditch, then we was able to get out without too much problem.. he just didn't stop until he was  completely out. The refrigerator almost flew out of the back.. that's one way to unload it! LOL

Bro-in-law almost buried his Hummer in the only muddy area on this side of the yard, but he was able to back up a couple of feet to get a running start at it and got out.

My poor truck sooo needs a good washing now!

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